University Question Paper(Jan 2023)

Total No. of Questions: 5]                                                                                                SEAT No.:

PA-1030                                                                                                               [Total No. of Pages: 2


T.Y. B.Sc (Semester - V) 


CS-3511 : Blockchain Technology 

(2019 Pattern) (CBCS) 

Time: 2 Hours

Instructions to the candidates:                                                                                      [Max. Marks: 35

1) All questions are compulsory.

 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt any eight of the following:                                                                        [8 × 1 = 8]

a) What is the formula to calculate transaction fee in Ethereum?

b) What is plain text and cipher text

c) What is FPGA?

d) In AES, on which factor on? s the number of encryption rounds depend on?

e) What is smart contract?

f)What is the size of encryption key in DES?

g) What is ASIC?

h) Which algorithm is used by Bitcoin to verify transactions?

i) Which is a unique PoS cryptocurrency that is aimed at delivering interoperability among other blockchains?

j) What is DAPP?

Q2) Attempt any four of the following:                                                                        [4x2=8]

a) What is the difference between public and private blockchains?

b)Blockchains are slow as compare to database. Justify..

c) What is P2P crypto Exchange?

d) What is BFT?

e) What is Hybrid Blockchain? 

03) Attempt any two of the following:                                                            [2 x 4 =8]

a) Write a short note on life cycle of smart contract.

b) What is Hard & Soft forks?

c) What is PoW?

04) Attempt any two of the following                                                                    [2 x 4 = 8]

a)Write a short note on challenges of blockchain.

b) Write a short note on ICO.

c) Which are the different value data types in solidity?

Q5) Attempt any one of the following:                                                                     [1x3=3]

a) Write a short note on first Generation Blockchain

b) Describe EVM with the help of neat diagram.