University Question Paper(Jan 2023)

Total No. of Questions: 5]                                                                    SEAT No.:


[Total No. of Pages: 2



T.Y. BSc. 354 Foundation of Datascience CS (2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V)

Time: 2 Hours]

Instructions to the candidates:

1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2) All questions are compulsory.

3) Neat labelled diagrams must be draw wherever necessary.

[Max. Marks: 35]

Q1) Attempt any EIGHT of the following                                                [8x1=8]

a) What is Data science?

b) Define Data source?

c) What is missing values?

d) List the visualization libraries in python.

e) List applications of data science.

f) What is data transformation?

g) Define Hypothesis Testing?

h) What is use of Bubble plot?

i)Define Data cleaning?

j)Define standard deviation?

02) Attempt any FOUR of the following.                                                    [4x2-8]

a) List the tools for data scientist.

b) Define statistical data analysis?

c) What is data cube?

d) Give the purpose of data preprocessing?

e) What is the purpose of data visualization?

03) Attempt any two of the following.                                            [2×4=8]

a) What are the measures of central tendency? Explain any two of them in brief.

 b) What are the various types of data available? Give example of each?

c) What is venn diagram? How to create it? Explain with example.

04) Attempt any two of the following.                                             [2x4=8]

a) Explain different data formats in brief.

b) What is data quality? Which factors are affected data qualities?

c) Write details notes on basic data visualization tools?

05) Attempt any ONE of the following.                                                [1×3=3]

a) What is outlier? State types of outliers.

b) State and explain any three data transformation techniques.