University Question Paper(Jan 2023)

Total No. of Questions: 5]                                                                               SEAT No.:

PA-1027                                                                                          [Total No. of Pages: 3


T.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)



(2019 Pattern) (Semester-V)

Time: 2 Hours

Instructions to the candidates:                                                                  [Max. Marks: 35

1) All questions are compulsory. 

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 

Q1) Attempt any EIGHT of the following: (out of ten)                            [8 × 1 = 8]

a)What is use of Javac?

b) Give the name of any two wrapper classes.

c) What is use of 'implements keyword?

d) List types of constructor

e)What is use of Array?

f) Give the name of any two listeners. 

g) What is exception? -

h) Give the syntax of ends with() method?

i) What is package?

j) What is use of new operator?

02) Attempt any FOUR of the following. (Out of Five)                        [4 x 2 = 8]

a) 'When constructor of class will be called? Comment

b) What is command line argument? Where they are stored in a program.

c) What is Frame? Give its any two methods.

d) Differentiate between method overloading method overriding

e) Write any two access specifiers

Q3) Attempt any two of following. (Out of Three)                            [2 x 4 = 8]

a) Define an interface shape with abstract method area(). Inherit interface shape into the class traingle.Write a Java Program to calculate area of Triangle

b) Design the following screen by using swing.

Student details

Roll No.



Display                            Clear

Write a Java program to accept the details of student & display an console by clicking on Display button. Clear button should clear all the controls.

c) Write a Java Program to copy the contents form one file into another file. While copying, change the case of cell the alphabets & replace all the digital by *

Q4) Attempt any two of the following. (out of Three)                                [2x4=8]

a) Differentiate between AWT & Swing.

b) Define user define exception zeronumber Exc. Write a 2023 program to accept a number from user. If it is zero then throw user define exception "Number is zero" otherwise calculate the sum of first & last digit of given number. (use Static Keyword). 044511

c) Write a Java program to accept n number from iser & store only perfect numbers into array & display that array.

05) Attempt any ONE of the following. (out of Two)

a)Explain uses of final keyword with example.

b) Define a class Emp with a member Eid and display() method, inherit EmP class into the Emp Name class, Emp Name class having a member Ename & display () method. Write a Java program to accept details of employee [Eid. Ename] & display it. (Use super keyword).