University Question Paper(Jan 2023)

Total No. of Questions: 5]                                                                                                SEAT No.:

[Total No. of Pages: 2
159021-53 (Computer Science) T.Y. B.Sc WEB TECHNOLOGIES - 1
(Semester-V) (CS-353)
Time: 2 Hours]

Instructions to the candidates:
 1) All questions are compulsory.
 2) Figures to right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks: 35

Q1) Attempt any Eight of the following (out of Ten)                                   8 × 1 = 8]
a) Which tag is used to set the text in Superscript format?                                               
b) Explain the use of <Style>
c) What is difference between echo () and print() function?
d) Which construct is used to define an array?
e) How to create a directory in PHP?
f) Explain any two directory functions. 
g) What is a DSN?
h) Which protocols are used to retrieve mail from server?
i) How to convert an object to array"? 
j) Explain SMTP Protocol.

02) Attempt any FOUR of the following (out of Five)
a) Differentiate between single quoted string and double quoted string.
b) How External CSS is used?
c) Write any two functions of decompose string with Suitable example. 
d) How to find out the position of the first occurrence of a substring in string? 
e) What is the purpose of array_splic() function?

Q3) Attempt any TWO of the following (out of Three)                                            2 × 4=8]
a) Discuss the Scope of a Variable in PHP with an example
b) Explain prepare() and execute() command in database handling 
c) Explain the functions used a 5. reading and writing characters in files.

Q4) Attempt any TWO of the following (out of Three)                                           [2 x 4 = 8]
a) Design HTML form that will accept user input of user name, Address, provide buttons to submit the input as well as to refresh it.
b) Write PHP Script to accept associative array and sort in descending order. Display sorted array to user. 
c) Accept directory name from user. Write PHP program to change current directory to accepted directory name and count number of files and directories in it.

05) Attempt any ONE of the following (out TWO)                                              [1 × 3 =3]                       
a) Explain terms HTTP request and H0) response.
b) Explain the concept of missing 1 parameters to a function with suitable example.