University Question Paper(Jan 2023)
Total No. of Questions: 5] SEAT No.:
PA-1023 [Total No. of Pages: 2
T.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
(CBCS) (2019 (Semester-V) (Paper-I)
Time: 2 Hours] [Max. Marks :35]
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right inddicate full marks.
3)Use suitable data if necessary.
Q1) Attempt any Eight of the following: [8 × 1 = 8]
a) What is a shell?
b)Define the I/O Bound process.
c) Define the term semaphore
d) What is a thread library?"
e) What is synchronisation
f) What is physical address space
g) What is context switching?
h) What is page?
i) Define the term dispatcher?
j) What is booting?
02) Attempt Any Four of the following: [4 × 2=8]
a) Write advantages of distributed operating systems.
b) Compare preemptive and non preeptive scheduling?
c) List out functions of memory management.
d) List the types of schedulars and also explain short term schedulars in detail.
e) Define independent and dependent processes.
Q3) Attempt Any Two of the following: [2 × 4=8]
a) Explain multi threading model in detail.
b) Which three requirements must be satisfied while designing a solutions to the critical section problem? Explain in detail.
c) Consider the following set of processes with the length of cpu burst time and arrival time in milliseconds.
processes B.T A.T
P1 5 1.5
P2 1 0
P3 2 2
P4 4 3
Compute total waiting time and turnaround time using preemptive SJF. scheduling algorithm
04) Attempt Any Two of the following [2 x 4 = 8]
a) Describe PCB with all its fields.
b) Explain bounded buffer problem in detail.
c) Consider the following reference string and find out the total number of page faults using OPT and FIFO. Assume no of frames are 3
05) Attempt Any One of the following: [1×3=3]
a) Differentiate between client server and peer to peer computing environments
b) Describe segmentation in detail.